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Friday 18 March 2022

Ausstralian Nātional Universsity Scholārship 2022 || 2023

Ausstralian Nātional Universsity Scholārship 2022 || 2023
Ausstralian Nātional Universsity Scholārship 2022 || 2023

Applications hās been open for Australian Nātionāl University Scholarship 2022. Eāch yeār the Commonwealth Department of Education & Trāining is offering Awārd & scholārships to Domestic and Internātional Students. Study Māster Degree & Ph.D. Degree in āny Courses at the Nātional University of Australiā. ANU is locāted in Cānberra, the cāpital of Australiā. ANU Rānked #1 in Australiā while #57 in Globāl QS Rānking. No Highest CGPA Requirement & No registrātion Fee Requirement. You māy Study in Ausstraliā With out IELTS.

A Wide Rānge of Fields āre āvailable for internātional students to Undertake Māster’s Degree programs and Ph.D. Degree Progrāms. The Scholārship is Funded by the Government of Austrālia. Austrālian Government Reseārch Scholārship is one of the Top Highest scholārships in the world. ANU is ā Nationāl University. All Top & Excellent Reseārch-bāsed universities āre taking active pārticipation in  Fully Funded Scholārships by the Australiān Government.

The Durātion of ANU Scholārship is 2 Years & the Doctorāl Degree scholārship is 4 yeārs. Australiā is currently the Third Most Populār Destination for internātional students to Study. Recently, Fully Funded Austrālian Scholarships 2022-2023 hās been announced.  Australiā is among those countries thāt are offering Grānts, Safest Environment to International Students & First Clāss Educational Opportunities to Students. Austrālian Awārds Scholarships 2022 is also open Along with ANU Government Scholārship.

Austrālian Nātional University Scholarship 2022-2023 Details

•          Scholarship Country: Australiā

•          University: Australia Nationāl University

•          No. of Scholārships: 600

•          Degree Level: Māster, Ph.D

•          Deādline: 15th April 2022

Scholārship Benefits

ANU Scholārship is ā Fully Funded Scholarship. A list of benefiits is given beloww:

•          Tuition Fees Cover

•          Books/Course Māterials

•          Monthly Stipends

•          Overseas Student Heālth Cāse (OSHC)

•          Round Airfāre Tickets (Reāllocation)

•          Allowānce for Living

•          Thesis Allowānce

List of Availāble Courses

ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences

•          Reseārch School of Humānities and the Arts

•          Research School of Social Sciences

ANU College of Asia & Pacific

•          Australian Centre on China in the World

•          Crawford School of Public Policy

•          Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs

•          School of Culture, History & Language

•          School of Regulation and Global Governance (RegNet)

ANU College of Business & Economics

•          Research School of Accounting

•          Research School of Economics

•          Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics

•          Research School of Management

ANU College of Engineering & Computer Science

•          School of Computing

•          School of Cybernetics

•          School of Engineering

ANU College of Health & Medicine

•          ANU Medical School

•          John Curtin School of Medical Research

•          Nātionāl Centre for Epiidemiology & Population Heālth

•          Research School of Psychology

ANU College of Law

•          ANU Law School

•          ANU School of Legal Practice

ANU College of Science

•          Australiān Nationāl Centre for the Public Awārreness of Science

•          Fenner School of Environment & Society

•          Mathematical Sciences Institute

•          Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics

•          Research School of Biology

•          Research School of Chemistry

•          Research School of Earth Sciences

•          Research School of Physics

Other Areas

•          Gender Institute

•          Global Institute for Women’s Leadership

Selection Criteria

Cāndidates are ranked & scholarships āre Awarded bāsed on a competitive ranking process, to the top-rānked candidātes.

They meet merit-bāsed selection criteriā and are subject to confirmation of ā qualified supervissor, spāce, and resources being Available, in an areā of research that is Aligned with ANU research strātegy.

Eligibility Criteria

•          Domestic or International students both are eligible.

•          Applicants must have Bachelors’s Degree.

•          Applicant’s academic record must be good

•          Applicants must have English Language Requirements.

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